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Yellow Bird - Goombay Dance Band

Yellow Bird
Yellow Bird
Goombay Dance Band
czas trwania:

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Yellow bird, 
You´re flying across the sea. 
Yellow bird, 
So beautiful and so free. 

In the morning sun, 
Where your life´s begin, 
High above the cloud, 
You flying young and proud. 
Take my love with you, 
I know my girl is true, 
She is waiting for me. 

I set to hear my heart guitar, 
My sweet hawaiian girl. 
I said to her "I do love you, 
You more to me than 
The whole wide world". 

Yellow bird, 
You´re flying across the sea. 
Yellow bird, 
So beautiful and so free. 

In the morning sun, 
Where your life´s begin, 
High above the cloud, 
You flying young and proud. 
Take my love with you, 
I know my girl is true, 
She is waiting for me. 

Yellow bird, you gonna tell my girl, 
It won´t be very long. 
Before her love is comming home, 
And then we´ll all 
Sing this little song. 

Yellow bird, 
You´re flying across the sea. 
Yellow bird, 
So beautiful and so free. 

In the morning sun, 
Where your life´s begin, 
High above the cloud, 
You flying young and proud. 
Take my love with you, 
I know my girl is true, 
She is waiting for me. 

Yellow bird, 
You´re flying across the sea. 
Yellow bird, 
So beautiful and so free. 

Yellow bird, 
You´re flying across the sea. 
Yellow bird, 
So beautiful and so free. 
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