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Sleep Well My Love - BZN

Sleep Well My Love
Sleep Well My Love
czas trwania:

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Like a purple butterfly, 
Frisking in a deep blue sky 
I see you toddling like dancing in the wind. 

Twinkling eyes like pearls of blue, 
Watch me with a smile that´s true, 
They always sparkle, bright as golden rain. 

But one day, 
You will spread your wings and fly away, 
Fly away far beyond the skies of blue. 

Sleep well, my love, 
Let us kiss goodnight. 
Sleep well, my love 
Come squeeze me tight. 
Close your eyes, my little girl, 
Don´t care about the big bad world. 
For you I sing this lullaby. 

You´re light hearted, still beguiled 
Take this hand, my little child, 
And I will lead you through this world of mine. 

But one day, 
You will spread your wings and fly away, 
Fly away far beyond the skies of blue. 

Sleep well, my love, 
Let us kiss goodnight. 
Sleep well, my love 
Come squeeze me tight. 
Close your eyes, my little girl, 
Don´t care about the big bad world. 
For you I sing this lullaby. 

Sleep well, my love, 
Let us kiss goodnight. 
Sleep well, my love 
Come squeeze me tight. 
Close your eyes, my little girl, 
Don´t care about the big bad world. 
For you I sing this lullaby. 
For you I sing this lullaby. 
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