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Tango In Harlem - Touch And Go

Tango In Harlem
Tango In Harlem
Touch And Go
czas trwania:

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Music Soft for YAMAHA
Now I just
I just got home
One evening
And I um
I was just walking home
And it was really horrible
Cause I lived on riverside drive
In Harlem
In Harlem
In Harlem
I had this dream to become a dancer
In Harlem

And nobody was there and nobody
Was nowhere
It was really horrible
In Harlem
In Harlem
I come to my flat
And I simple do it
And all of a sudden
Somebody points a knife at my throat

And then it was like ‘whoops’
I had only fifty dollars to survive
Because I was so poor

In Harlem
In Harlem
I was just actually like
Thinking about my fifty dollars
All I had to survive
In Harlem
And then what´s for ya
Fuck you

In Harlem
In Harlem
That´s great place New York,
I mean best bagels and muffins in the world
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