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Ticket To The Moon - Electric Light Orchestra

Ticket To The Moon
Ticket To The Moon
Electric Light Orchestra
czas trwania:

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Remember the good old 1980s?
When things were so uncomplicated?
I wish I could go back there again
And everything could be the same.

I´ve got a ticket to the moon
I´ll be leaving here any day soon
Yeah, I´ve got a ticket to the moon
But I´d rather see the sunrise in your eyes.

Got a ticket to the moon
I´ll be rising high above the earth so soon
And the tears I cry might turn into the rain
That gently falls upon your window
You´ll never know.

Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon.

Fly, fly through a troubled sky
Up to a new world shining bright, oh, oh.

Flying high above
Soaring madly through the mysteries that come
Wondering sadly if the ways that led me here
Could turn around and I would see you there
(and I would see you there...)
Standing there (waiting...)

Ticket to the moon
Flight leaves here today from Satellite Two
As the minutes go by, what should I do?
I paid the fare, what more can I say?
It´s just one way (only one way)...

Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon.

Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon,
Ticket to the moon.
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