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Ye-si-ca - Secret Service

Secret Service
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

I was young and alone
And my heart searched the world for a home.
She was free like a bird
And sang songs to me I never heard.

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca.

Well the sound of her voice
Made it plain that she knew about boys.
I brought wine to her taste
And we didn´t let much go to waste.

We sang ye-si-ca
We sang ye-si-ca.

And the boys in the band at the hotel
They played it all over again.
I knew it by heart in the morning
And her body was more than a friend.

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca.

Late at night when the wind
Passes by like the touch of her skin.
It will bring to my mind
A song and the sweet smell of wine.

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca.

She sang ye-si-ca
I sang ye-si-ca.

And the boys in the band at the hotel
They played it all over again.
I knew it by heart in the morning
And her body was more than a friend.

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca
We sang ye-si-ca.

And the boys in the band at the hotel
They played it all over again.
I knew it by heart in the morning
And her body was more than a friend.

She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca
She sang ye-si-ca
We sang ye-si-ca.
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