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Don´t Play That Game With Me (Live 1992) - Smokie

Don´t Play That Game With Me (Live 1992)
Don´t Play That Game With Me (Live 1992)
czas trwania:

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Our love affair was like a movie show
So beautiful and true
Each piece of love was wild and full of fire
And the stars were me and you

How could I know you found another guy
The way you acted out your part
And then you stayed away so many nights
You knew then it would tear my heart apart

Don´t play that game with me
Not that game with me
Your love never, never, never will I share

Don´t play that game with me
Not that game with me
With that other, other guy, it´s not fair

You tried to tell me it was just a plan
A little stop along the way
But I can tell it´s something more of that
In spite of all the things you say

You´ve gotta choose between the two of us
You gotta choose that guy or me
I can´t go on not knowing where I stand
If you want him, set me free

Don´t play that game with me
Not that game with me
Your love never, never, never will I share

Don´t play that game with me
Not that game with me
With that other, other guy, it´s not fair

I´m tired of all your lies
You´re playin with me
So stop your foolin around
I beg you, please

Don´t play that game with me
Not that game with me
Your love never will I share

Don´t play that game with me
Not that game with me
With that other guy, it´s not fair
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