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I Can´t Stop Thinking About You - Sting

I Can´t Stop Thinking About You
I Can´t Stop Thinking About You
czas trwania:

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Music Soft for KORG
Midi for Korg Pa4x
Midi for Korg Pa700
White page, an empty field of snow
My room is 25 below
This cold man chasing ghosts
A road lies underneath a buried boat
Dogs search the under forest
We scour the empty streets
The fact remains until we find you
Our lives are incomplete

Do I hear laughters through
A veil of snow and ice?
Where could you be on such
A lonely winter´s night?

I can´t stop thinking about you
I can´t stop wanting you this way
I can´t face dreaming without you
That´s why I´m searching night and day
This heart´s a lonely hunter
These hands are frozen fists
I can´t stop thinking about you
I don´t care if you exist

Do I hear laughter from
Behind this veil of midnight?
What are you hiding
In the frozen heart of winter?
Somewhere a church bell tolls
I know you´re close,
Your scent still warm
And then your trail turns
Cold, cold, cold

I can´t stop thinking about you
I can´t stop wanting you this way
I can´t face living without you
That´s why I´m searching night and day
This heart´s a lonely hunter
These hands are frozen fists
I can´t stop thinking about you
I don´t care if you exist

Do I hear laughter
In the silence of the snow?
I know you´re hiding
In this frozen heart of winter
A midnight church bell tolls
I know you´re close,
Your scent still warm
Then the trail turns
Cold, cold, cold

I can´t stop thinking about you
I can´t stop wanting you this way
I can´t face living without you
That´s why I´m searching night and day
This heart´s a lonely hunter
These hands are frozen fists
I can´t stop thinking about you
I don´t care if you exist

I can´t stop thinking about you
I can´t stop wanting you this way
I can´t face living without you
I can´t stop wanting you
Wybierz format
Midi Korg Pa3X - 20 PLN
Midi Korg Pa3x LE - 20 PLN
Midi Korg Pa900 - 20 PLN
Midi Korg PA600 - 20 PLN
General Midi - 16 PLN
MP3 - 18 PLN
MP3 +mel - 18 PLN
Midi for Korg Pa4x - 30 PLN
Midi Korg Pa300 - 20 PLN
Midi Korg Pa2X - 20 PLN
Midi Korg Pa800 - 20 PLN
Midi Korg Pa500 - 20 PLN
Midi for Korg Pa700 - 25 PLN
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