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Rendez Vous - INNA

Rendez Vous
Rendez Vous
czas trwania:

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Music Soft for KORG
Midi for Korg Pa4x
Nuty PDF
Met you in the water, oh, oh
Swimming in the shadow
of my heart
Went a little deeper, oh, oh
I knew that we were perfect
from the staaart

Oh baby, me and you
We´re gonna have
a little rendez vous
We´re gonna keep it
a ménage a deux
The way you loved me,
gave me déja vu

When I get the feeling
real in the summer
You can come and meet me,
we can fall in love
Take me to the sea,
take me to the sun
Just a little secret,
no one needs to know

Oh, rendez vous
Oh, rendez vous

Temperature is rising, oh, oh
You´re the only one to
cool me down
You´re my hidden treasure
on the shore
You know you´re the best thing
that I´ve found

Oh baby, me and you
We´re gonna have
a little rendez vous
We´re gonna keep it
a ménage a deux
The way you loved me,
gave me déja vu

When I get the feeling
real in the summer
You can come and meet me,
we can fall in love
Take me to the sea,
take me to the sun
Just a little secret,
no one needs to know

Oh, rendez vous
Oh, rendez vous

I hear your body, I hear it calling
I move to the rhythm of you
Cause you know exactly what to do

Oh, rendez vous
Oh, rendez vous

When I get the feeling
When I get the feeling
When I get the feeling
When I get the feeling
No one needs to know
Oh, rendez vous
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