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Just A Gigolo - David Lee Roth

Just A Gigolo
Just A Gigolo
David Lee Roth
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Music Soft for YAMAHA
I´m just a gigolo
And everywhere I go
People know the bar I´m playing
Pay for every dance,
Selling each romance
Ooh, what they´re sayin´
There will come a day,
When youth will pass away
What will they say about me?
When the end comes, I know
They was just the gigolos
Life goes on without me

I´m just a gigolo
And everywhere I go
People know the bar Dave´s playing
Pay for every dance,
Selling each romance
Ooh, what they´re sayin´
There will come a day
When youth will pass away
What will they say about me?
When the end comes, I know
They was just a gigolo
Life goes on without me

I ain´t got nobody
Nobody cares for me,
Nobody, nobody cares for me
I´m so sad and lonely,
Sad and lonely, sad and lonely
Won´t some sweet mama
Come and take a chance with me?
´Cause I ain´t so bad

Better love me, babe
Sad and lonesome,
All of the time
Even on the beat,
On the, on the, on the beat
Bop, bozedebozedebop,

I ain´t got nobody
Nobody cares for me,
Nobody, nobody
Hey, say

Humala bebuhla zeebuhla
Boobuhla Humala bebuhla
Zeebuhla bop

I, ain´t got nobody
Nobody, nobody
Cares for me, nobody, nobody
I´m so sad and lonely,
Sad and lonely, sad and lonely
Won´t some sweet mama
Come and take a chance with me?
´Cause I ain´t so bad

Really want that soul,
Little loving soul
All of the time
Even on the beat,
Cherry, cherry on the beat
Need a long tall darling, mama
Feeling sick
Got nobody, I know
Say now, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
No one , no one
Darling, darling
Getting serious
Got to see the walls
Over there
Nobody, got no one
Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Nobody cares for me
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