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Samson And Delilah - Middle Of The Road

Samson And Delilah
Samson And Delilah
Middle Of The Road
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Samson and Delilah,
Lived a long,
Long time ago.
She was undecided,
But man, that hair
Just had to go.

Na na na na na,
Na na na na na na,
Na na na na na,
Na na na na na.

On the Friday evening,
Things were going mighty fine,
Then he started sleeping,
´Cos she slipped something
In the wine.

Na na na na na,
Na na na na na na,
Na na na na na,
Na na na na na.

Ain´t no glory
In this fable
Like the story
Cane and Abel
Samson´s gonna
Turn the tables.

Samson had a feeling,
That God would
Guide his feeble hand.
Man, you should have seen him,
Pushin´ pillars from the stand.

Na na na na na,
Na na na na na na,
Na na na na na,
Na na na na na.

Ain´t no glory
In this fable
Like the story
Cane and Abel
Samson neatly
Turned the tables.

Samson had a feeling,
That God would
Guide his feeble hand.
Man, you should have seen him,
Pushin´ pillars from the stand.

Na na na na na,
Na na na na na na,
Na na na na na,
Na na na na na.

Ain´t no glory
In this fable
Like the story
Cane and Abel
Samson neatly
Turned the tables.

Ain´t no glory
In this fable
Like the story
Cane and Abel...
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