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Sally´s Song (The Legacy Goes On) - Smokie

Sally´s Song (The Legacy Goes On)
Sally´s Song (The Legacy Goes On)
czas trwania:

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Music Soft for YAMAHA
Midi Soft for GENOS
Midi for KETRON
Sally`s gone,
And I still don´t know why,
She left me in the morning,
Didn´t even say goodbye.
I don´t know why she left me,
Don´t know where she is:
She didn´t say,
She just left a note
That said "I´m sorry",
Left her keys and walked away.

Sally doesn´t live here anymore,
Took my heart and walked
Right out the door.
Left me here with
Nothing but some worn out forty-fives
Don´t ask me why
She left or where she´d go
Don´t ask me how
She is, cause I don´t know
Sally doesn´t live here anymore.

Now three weeks gone
Since Sally hit the road
I guess she had her reasons
But I just don´t wanna know
And all her friends keep
Calling wondering
If I know where she might be
Well I´ve heard that someone´s seen her
But she sure ain´t here with me

Cause Sally doesn´t live here anymore
Took her heart and walked right out the door
Left me here with nothing
But some worn out forty-fives
Don´t ask me why she left or where she´d go
Don´t ask me how she is, cause I don´t know
Sally doesn´t live here anymore.

She always used to say she´d
Never leave me for another
Always used to say she´d never
Ever let me down
Now she´s gone, she´s gone.

Don´t ask me why she left or where she´d go
Don´t ask me how she is, cause I don´t know
Cause Sally doesn´t live here anymore.

Sally doesn´t live here anymore
Took her heart and walked right out the door
Left me here with nothing
But those worn out forty-fives
Don´t ask me why she left or where she´d go
Don´t ask me how she is, cause I don´t know

Sally doesn´t live here anymore.
Sally doesn´t live here anymore.
Sally doesn´t live here anymore.
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