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Remember Me (from Coco) - Miguel ft. Natalia Lafourcade

Remember Me (from Coco)
Remember Me (from Coco)
Miguel ft. Natalia Lafourcade
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Remember me, though I have to say goodbye
Remember me, don´t let it make you cry
For even if I´m far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart

Remember me, though I have to travel far
Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I´m with you the only way that I can be
Until you´re in my arms again
Remember me

Que nuestra canciůn no deje de latir
Sůlo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Que nuestra canciůn no deje de latir
Sůlo con tu amor yo puedo...

Recuťrdame, si en tu mente vivo estoy
Recuťrdame, mis suenos yo te doy
Te llevo en mi corazůn y te acompanarť
Unidos en nuestra canciůn, contigo ahŪ estarť

Recuťrdame, si sola crees estar
Recuťrdame, y mi cantar te irŠ a abrazar
Aķn en la distancia nunca vayas a olvidar, 
que yo contigo siempre voy

If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I´ll never fade away
If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I´ll never fade away
If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I´ll never fade away

Remember me, for I will soon be gone
Remember me, and let the love we have live on
And know that I´m with you the only way that I can be
So, until you´re in my arms again
Remember me

Que nuestra canciůn no deje de latir
Sůlo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Que nuestra canciůn no deje de latir
Sůlo con tu amor yo puedo...
Remember me
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General Midi - 16 PLN
MP3 - 18 PLN
MP3 +mel - 18 PLN
Karafun - 15 PLN
Mp3+G bez linii - 20 PLN
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