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Slave to love - Bryan Ferry

Slave to love
Slave to love
Bryan Ferry
autor slow:
Bryan Ferry
autor muzyki:
Bryan Ferry
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Tell her I´ll be waiting 
In the usual place 
With the tired and weary 
There´s no escape 
To need a woman 
You´ve got to know 
How the strong get weak 
And the rich get poor 

Slave to love 
Slave to love 

You´re running with me 
Don´t touch the ground 
We´re the restless hearted 
Not the chained and bound 
The sky is burning 
A sea of flame 
Though your world is changing 
I will be the same 

Slave to love 
Slave to love 

Slave to love 
(Na na na na) 
(Na na na na) 
Slave to love 
(No I can´t escape, I´m a slave to love) 

The storm is breaking 
Or so it seems 
We´re too young to reason 
Too grown up to dream 
Now spring is turning 
Your face to mine 
I can hear your laughter 
I can see your smile 

Slave to love 
(Na na na na) 
(Na na na na) 
Slave to love 
(No I can´t escape, I´m a slave to love) 

Slave to love 
(Na na na na) 
(Na na na na) 
Slave to love 
(No I can´t escape, I´m a slave to love) 

(Na na na na) 
(Na na na na) 
Slave to love 
(No I can´t escape, I´m a slave to love) 

(Na na na na) 
(Na na na na) 
Slave to love 
(No I can´t escape, I´m a slave to love) 

(Na na na na) 
(Na na na na) 
Slave to love 
(No I can´t escape, I´m a slave to love) 

(Na na na na) 
(Na na na na) 
Slave to love 
(No I can´t escape, I´m a slave to love) 
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