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Manolito - George Baker Selection

George Baker Selection
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Born by the seaside 
With eyes black as coal 
You were my friend 
Since the days we´re at school 
We fell in love when I was seventeen 
Yes, it was more than a dream 

One day you said: 
"I can´t stay here with you 
My heart is so restless, 
My mind is so blue" 
You went away for the songs of the sea 
Did you fulfill all your dreams? 

Oh, Manolito, come home tonight 
All of my dreams 
Come true when you hold me tight 
With love in your eyes 
Oh, Manolito, don´t you let me down 
Oh, Manolito, you´re my only one 

Oh, Manolito, come home tonight 
All of my dreams 
Come true when you hold me tight 
With love in your eyes 
Oh, Manolito, don´t you let me down 
Oh, Manolito, you´re my only one 

Over and over and over and over 
I think of the nights of our love 
Over and over and over and over 
I want you right here in my heart 

Oh, Manolito, come home tonight 
All of my dreams 
Come true when you hold me tight 
With love in your eyes 
Oh, Manolito, don´t you let me down 
Oh, Manolito, you´re my only one 

La la la la la 
La la la la 
La la la la la 
La la la la 
La la la la la 
La la la la 
La la la la la 
La la la la 

La la la la la 
La la la la 
La la la la la 
La la la la 
La la la la la 
La la la la 
La la la la la 
La la la la 
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do tego utworu

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