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She always laughs - Right Said Fred

She always laughs
She always laughs
Right Said Fred
czas trwania:

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She she´s the only 
One who always laughs 
Oh, she always laughs 
Oh, how she can smile. 

Only she 
Knows that it´s not how it seems 
And she cries 
Oh, she cries behind the scenes 
But only then when no one else can see 
´Cause she is, she is 
The only one, the only one. 

She always laughs 
She breaks a smile for a while. 
Oh, how she can laugh, 
Oh, how she can laugh. 
She always laughs 
She breaks a smile for a while. 
Oh, how she can laugh, 
Oh, how she can laugh. 

Come on here my dear 
Put your hands in mine, 
Show me who you are 
You will see. 
Come on here don´t fear 
Put your hand in mine, 
Show me who you are 
You will see. 

What it´s like 
Oh, to laugh without it feeling like a lie. 
Oh, to cry and see how we are loved, 
Oh, to love, oh to love. 

She always laughs 
She breaks a smile for a while. 
Oh, how she can laugh, 
Oh, how she can laugh. 
She always laughs 
She breaks a smile for a while. 
Oh, how she can laugh, 
Oh, how she can laugh. 

She always laughs 
She breaks a smile for a while. 
Oh, how she can laugh, 
Oh, how she can laugh. 
She always laughs 
She breaks a smile for a while. 
Oh, how she can laugh, 
Oh, how she can laugh. 
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