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Sealed With A Kiss - Jason Donovan

Sealed With A Kiss
Sealed With A Kiss
Jason Donovan
autor slow:
Peter Udell
autor muzyki:
Gary Geld

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Tho´ we gotta say goodbye 
For the summer 
Darling, I promise you this: 
I´ll send you all my love 
Every day in a letter 
Sealed with a kiss. 

Guess it´s gonna be a cold 
Lonely summer 
But, I´ll fill the emptiness. 
I´ll send you all my dreams 
Every day in a letter 
Sealed with a kiss. 

I´ll see you in the sunlight 
I´ll hear your voice everywhere 
I´ll run to tenderly hold you 
But darling, you won´t be there. 

I don´t wanna say goodbye 
For the summer 
Knowing the love we´ll miss 
Oh, let us make a pledge 
To meet in September 
And seal it with a kiss. 
Yes, it´s gonna be a cold, 
Lonely summer, 
But I feel the emptiness, 
I´ll send you all my love 
Every day in a letter 
Sealed with a kiss, 
Sealed with a kiss, 
Sealed with a kiss. 
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