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Black is black - Joy

Black is black
Black is black
autor slow:
Michelle Grainger, Anthony Hayes, Steve Wadey
autor muzyki:
Michelle Grainger, Anthony Hayes, Steve Wadey
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Music Soft for YAMAHA
Music Soft for KORG
Midi for Korg Pa4x
Midi Soft for GENOS
Midi for Korg Pa700
Midi for Korg Pa1000
Midi for Korg Pa4x Musikant
Midi for KETRON
Midi Yamaha PSR-SX900
Midi Yamaha PSR-SX700
Nuty PDF
(Black is black) 

(Black is black) 

Black is black 
I want my baby back 
It´s grey, it´s grey 
Since she went away 
Oh oh 
What can I do 
´Cause ah ah ah ah I, 
I´m feeling blue, 
If had my way, 
She´d be back today 
But she don´t like 
To see me again oh oh 
What can I do 
´Cause ah ah ah ah I 
I´m feeling blue, 

I can´t choose 
It´s to much to lose 
My love´s too strong 
(Oh oh) 
Whoa maybe if she 
Would come back to me 
Then I can´t go wrong 

Bad is bad 
(bad is bad) 
That I feel so sad 
(feel so sad) 
It´s time it´s time 
(it´s time it´s time) 
That I found peace of mind 
Oh oh 
What can I do 
´Cause ah ah ah ah I 
I´m feeling blue, 

I can´t choose 
It´s to much to lose 
My love´s too strong 
(Oh oh) 
Whoa maybe if she 
Would come back to me 
Then I can´t go wrong 

(Black is black!) 
(Black is black!) 
Black is black 
I want my baby back 
It´s grey, it´s grey 
Since she went away 
Oh oh 
What can I do 
´Cause ah ah ah ah I 
I´m feeling blue, 
´Cause ah ah ah ah I 
I´m feeling blue, 
I´m feeling blue, 
Ah ah aaah aah I 
I´m feeling blue, 
I´m feeling blue, baby 
Ah ah aaah aah I 
I´m feeling blue, 
I´m feeling blue, baby 
Ah ah ah ah I 
I´m feeling blue. 
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