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Will you love me - Duo Astral Plane

Will you love me
Will you love me
Duo Astral Plane
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Music Soft for KORG
Midi for Korg Pa4x
Midi for Korg Pa700
Midi for Korg Pa1000
Midi for Korg Pa4x Musikant
If I would promise you my heart, 
Will you want me, will you love me? 
But if we always had to part, 
Will you love me just the same? 

The path we lead is always changing. 
And we must cherish every day. 
And if I say that I must go, 
Will you love me come what may? 

And when I’m leaving without you, 
Will you want me, will you love me? 
And when you think of what I do, 
Will you love me just the same? 

Time goes by a new day dawning, 
So please listen what I say. 
And if I say that I must go, 
Will you love me come what may? 

The path we lead is always changing. 
And we must cherish every day. 
And if I say that I must go, 
Will you love me come what may? 

Time goes by a new day dawning, 
So please listen what I say. 
And if I say that I must go, 
Will you love me come what may? 

Say you love me every day. 
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