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Atlantis is calling - Modern Talking

Atlantis is calling
Atlantis is calling
Modern Talking
czas trwania:

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Lady, I know it was hard 
But it´s much harder to ignore 
There is a chance and I´ll promise 
I won´t hurt you anymore 
Hollywood nights we´re romancin´ 
You can trust me anytime 
Somewhere, oh, babe, there is someone 
Oh, you´re dancing in my mind 

Ohoh, little queenie 
I´m your fool come on 
Teach me the rules 
I will send an S.O.S for love 
Ohoh, little queenie 
I´m your fool you need love, 
Like I do 
I will send an S.O.S for love 

Atlantis is calling, 
S.O.S for love 
Atlantis is calling, 
From the stars above 
Atlantis is calling, 
S.O.S for love 
Atlantis is calling, 
It´s too hot to stop 

If loving you is wrong, babe 
Oh, I don´t wanna be right 
I´ve got you under my skin, babe 
And baby, hold me tight 
I´m ready for our romance 
I´ll wait a million years for you 
I love you even more than I´m saying 
Baby, that´s for me the truth 

Ohoh, little queenie 
I´m your fool come on 
Teach me the rules 
I will send an S.O.S for love 
Ohoh, little queenie 
I´m your fool you need love, 
Like I do 
I will send an S.O.S for love 

Atlantis is calling, 
S.O.S for love 
Atlantis is calling, 
From the stars above 
Atlantis is calling, 
S.O.S for love 
Atlantis is calling, 
It´s too hot to stop 

Atlantis is calling, 
S.O.S for love 
Atlantis is calling, 
It´s too hot to stop 
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