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You can win if you want (new version) - Modern Talking

You can win if you want (new version)
You can win if you want (new version)
Modern Talking
czas trwania:

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You packed your things in a carpetbag 
Left and never looking back 
Rings on your fingers, paint on your toes 
Music where ever you go 

You don´t fit in a small town world 
But I feel you are the girl for me 
Rings on your fingers, paint on your toes 
You´re leaving town where nobody knows 

You can win if you want 
If you want it, you will win 
On your way, you will see 
That life is more than fantasy 
Take my hand, follow me 
Oh, you´ve got a brand new friend 
For your life 
You can win if you want 
If you want it, you will win 
Oh, come on, take a chance 
For a brand new wild romance 
Take my hand for the night 
And your feelings will be right, 
Hold me tight 

Oh, darkness finds you on your own 
Endless highways keep on rolling on 
You are miles and miles from your home 
But you never want to phone your home 

Steady job and a nice young man 
Your parents had your future planned 
Rings on your finger, paint on your toes 
That´s the way your story goes 

You can win if you want 
If you want it, you will win 
On your way, you will see 
That life is more than fantasy 
Take my hand, follow me 
Oh, you´ve got a brand new friend 
For your life 
You can win if you want 
If you want it, you will win 
Oh, come on, take a chance 
For a brand new wild romance 
Take my hand for the night 
And your feelings will be right, 
Hold me tight 
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