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Barbie Girl - Aqua

Barbie Girl
Barbie Girl
autor slow:
Søren Rasted, Claus Norreen, René Dif, Anders Øland
autor muzyki:
Søren Rasted, Claus Norreen, René Dif, Anders Øland
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Hi Barbie! 
Hi Ken! 
You wanna go for a ride? 
Sure, Ken! 
Jump in! 
Ha ha ha! 

I´m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world 
Life in plastic, it´s fantastic 
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere 
Imagination, life is your creation 

Come on, Barbie, let´s go party 

I´m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world 
Life in plastic, it´s fantastic 
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere 
Imagination, life is your creation 

I´m a blonde single girl in the fantasy world 
Dress me up, take your time, I´m your dollie 
You´re my doll, rock and roll, feel the glamour and pain 
Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky 

You can touch, you can play 
You can say I´m always yours, oooh 

I´m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world 
Life in plastic, it´s fantastic 
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere 
Imagination, life is your creation 

Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, ha ha ha, yeah 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, oooh, oooh 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, ha ha ha, yeah 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, oooh, oooh 

Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please 
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees 
Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again 
Hit the town, fool around, let´s go party 

You can touch, you can play 
You can say I´m always yours 
You can touch, you can play 
You can say I´m always yours 

Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, ha ha ha, yeah 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, oooh, oooh 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, ha ha ha, yeah 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, oooh, oooh 

I´m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world 
Life in plastic, it´s fantastic 
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere 
Imagination, life is your creation 

I´m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world 
Life in plastic, it´s fantastic 
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere 
Imagination, life is your creation 

Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, ha ha ha, yeah 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, oooh, oooh 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, ha ha ha, yeah 
Come on, Barbie, let´s go party, oooh, oooh 

Oh, I´m having so much fun! 
Well, Barbie, we´re just getting started! 
Oh, I love you Ken! 
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