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Lookin´ Out My Back Door - Creedence Clearwater Revival

Lookin´ Out My Back Door
Lookin´ Out My Back Door
Creedence Clearwater Revival

wybierz demo:

Just got home from illinois, 
Lock the front door, oh boy! 
Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch. 
Imagination sets in, 
Pretty soon I´m singin, 
Doo, doo, doo, lookin´ out my back door. 

Theres a giant doing cartwheels, 
A statue wearin high heels. 
Look at all the happy creatures 
Dancing on the lawn. 
A dinosaur victrola 
Listning to buck owens. 
Doo, doo, doo, lookin´ out my back door. 

Tambourines and elephants 
Are playing in the band. 
Wont you take a ride on the flyin spoon? 
Doo, doo doo. 

Wondrous apparition 
Provided by magician. 
Doo, doo, doo, lookin´ out my back door. 
Tambourines and elephants 
Are playing in the band. 
Wont you take a ride on the flyin spoon? 
Doo, doo doo. 

Bother me tomorrow, 
Today, I´ll buy no sorrows. 
Doo, doo, doo, lookin´ out my back door. 
Forward troubles illinois, 
Lock the front door, oh boy! 
Look at all the happy creatures 
Dancing on the lawn. 
Bother me tomorrow, 
Today, I´ll buy no sorrows. 
Doo, doo, doo, lookin´ out my back door. 
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