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Proud Mary - Creedence Clearwater Revival

Proud Mary
Proud Mary
Creedence Clearwater Revival

wybierz demo:

Lookin´ for a job in the city 
Workin´ for the man every night and day 
And I never lost a minute of sleep 
Worryin´ about the way things might have been 

Things we keep on turnin´ 
Proud Mary keeps on burnin´ 
Rollin´ rollin´ rollin´ on a river 

Been a lot of places in Memphis 
Pumped a lot of pain down in New Orleans 
But I never saw a good side of a city 
´Till I hitched a ride on a river boat Queen 

Things we keep on turnin´ 
Proud Mary keeps on burnin´ 
Rollin´ rollin´ rollin´ on a river
Rollin´ rollin´ rollin´ on a river 

If you come down to the river 
Bet you gonna find some people who live 
You don´t have to worry 
If you have no money 
People on the river are happy to give 

Things we keep on turnin´ 
Proud Mary keeps on burnin´ 
Rollin´ rollin´ rollin´ on a river 
Rollin´ rollin´ rollin´ on a river 
Rollin´ rollin´ rollin´ on a river 
Rollin´ rollin´ rollin´ on a river 
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