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Money, Money, Money - ABBA

Money, Money, Money
Money, Money, Money
autor slow:
Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus
autor muzyki:
Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus

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I work all night, I work all day, 
To pay the bills I have to pay. 
Ain´t it sad. 
And still there never seems to be 
A single penny left for me. 
That´s too bad. 

In my dreams I have a plan 
If I got me a wealthy man, 
I wouldn´t have to work at all, 
I´d fool around and have a ball. 

Money, money, money 
Must be funny 
In the rich man´s world. 
Money, money, money 
Always sunny 
In the rich man´s world. 

Aha... ha... 
All the things I could do 
If I had a little money 
It´s a rich man´s world. 
It´s a rich man´s world. 

A man like that is hard to find, 
But I can´t get him off my mind. 
Ain´t it sad. 
And if he happens to be free 
I bet he wouldn´t fancy me. 
That´s too bad. 

So I must leave, I´ll have to go. 
To Las Vegas or Monaco 
And win a fortune in a game, 
My life will never be the same. 

Money, money, money 
Must be funny 
In the rich man´s world. 
Money, money, money 
Always sunny 
In the rich man´s world. 

Aha... ha... 
All the things I could do 
If I had a little money 
It´s a rich man´s world. 

Money, money, money 
Must be funny 
In the rich man´s world. 
Money, money, money 
Always sunny 
In the rich man´s world. 

Aha... ha... 
All the things I could do 
If I had a little money 
It´s a rich man´s world. 
It´s a rich man´s world. 
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