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Someday Out Of The Blue - Elton John

Someday Out Of The Blue
Someday Out Of The Blue
Elton John

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Someday out of the blue
In a crowded street
or a deserted squair
I´ll turn and I see you
As if our love were new
Someday we can
start again someday soon
Here comes the night
Here come the memories
Lost in your arms
Down in the foreign field
Not so long ago
seems like eternity
Those sweet afternoons
Still capture meee
Someday out of the blue
In a crowded street
or a deserted squair
I´ll turn and I see you
As if our love were new
Someday we can
start again someday soon
I still believe
I still put faith in us
We had it all
And watched it slip away
Where are we now
Not where we want to be
Those hot afternoons
Still follow meee
Someday out of the blue
Maybe years from now
or tomorrow night
I´ll turn and I see you
As if we always knew
Someday we would
live again someday soon
I still believe
I still put faith in us
I still believe
I still put faith in us
I still believe
I still put faith in us
Here comes the night
Here come the memories
Lost in your arms
Down in the foreign field
Not so long ago
seems like eternity
Those sweet afternoons
Still capture meee
Someday out of the blue
Maybe years from now
or tomorrow night
I´ll turn and I see you
As if we always knew
Someday we would
live again someday soon
Someday out of the blue
In a crowded street
or a deserted squair
I´ll turn and I see you
As if our love were new
Someday we can
start again someday soon
I still believe
I still put faith in us
I still believe
I still put faith in us
I still believe
I still put faith in us
I still believe
I still put faith in us
I still believe
I still put faith in us
I still believe
I still put faith in us
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