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Maria Magdalena - Sandra

Maria Magdalena
Maria Magdalena
autor slow:
Michael Cretu, Hubert Kemmler, Richard W. Palmer-James, Markus Löhr
autor muzyki:
Michael Cretu, Hubert Kemmler, Richard W. Palmer-James, Markus Löhr
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Music Styles for YAMAHA
Style for Yamaha Genos
Nuty PDF
You take my love 
You want my soul. 
I would be crazy to share your life. 
Why can´t you see what I am? 
Sharpen the senses 
and drawn the knife. 
Hold me and you´ll understand. 
I´ll never be 
Maria Magdalena. 
You´re a creature of the night. 
Maria Magdalena 
You´re a victim of the fight 
you need love. 
Promise me delight 
you need love. 
I´ll never be Maria Magdalena. 
You´re a creature of the night. 
Maria Magdalena 
You´re a victim of the fight 
you need love. 
Promised me delight you need love. 
Why must I lie? 
Find any prize. 
When will you wake up and realize? 
I can´t surrender to you. 
Play for affection and win the prize 
I know these party games too. 
I´ll never be Maria Magdalena. 
You´re a creature of the night. 
Maria Magdalena 
You´re a victim of the fight 
you need love. 
Promise me delight you need love. 
I´ll never be Maria Magdalena. 
You´re a creature of the night. 
Maria Magdalena 
You´re a victim of the fight 
you need love. 
Promise me delight you need love. 
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. 
I´ll never be Maria Magdalena. 
You´re a creature of the night. 
Maria Magdalena 
You´re a victim of the fight 
you need love. 
Promise me delight you need love. 
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do tego utworu

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