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Anything - Edyta Górniak

Edyta Górniak

wybierz demo:

I would do I would do anything
for you anything anything
I would do anything for you.

If it is faith you are needing
If its tha airIm breathing
I would give it all to you.

If its a dream your after
Ill help you get there faster
If that is what you want to do

//I would do I woul do anything
for you anything. anything// 2x

If it`s alone your feeling
If life has lost all meaning
I promise you I`m listening

and if it`s the truth you`re seeking
If you need a secret keeping
You know you can trust in me.

//I would do..............//

I`d even let you walk away
If you dont want to stay
I could not love you more than this

// I would do.................//

Nothing  I would not give
Nothing I would not do
Nothing I would not give 
Nothing I would not give.
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General Midi - 16 PLN
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