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I´ve Seen That Face Before (Libertango) - Grace Jones

I´ve Seen That Face Before (Libertango)
I´ve Seen That Face Before (Libertango)
Grace Jones

wybierz demo:

Strange, I´ve seen that face before 
Seen him hanging ´round my door 
Like a hawk stealing for the prey 
Like the night waiting for the day 

Strange, he shadows me back home 
Footsteps echo on the stones 
Rainy nights, on Hausmann Boulevard 
Parisian music, drifting from the bars 

Tu cherches quoi 
Rencontrer la mort 
Tu te prends pour qui 
Toi aussi tu detestes la vie 
Dance in bars and restaurants 
Home with anyone who wants 
Strange he´s standing there alone 
Staring eyes chill me to the bone 
Dans sa chambre 
Joel et sa valise 
Un regard sur ses fringues 
Sur les murs, des photos 
Sans regret, sans mélo 
La porte est claquée 
Joel est barré 
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