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Twist Of Love - Sidsel Ben Semman

Twist Of Love
Twist Of Love
Sidsel Ben Semman
autor slow:
Niels Drevsholt
autor muzyki:
Niels Drevsholt
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Once apon a time 
there was this guy called Johny 
He was kind of shy 
and so in love with Cony 
But he was so smarty 
And plaing with cool 
The king of the party 
was talk: What a fool 

He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how make that go exist 
He didn´t know how to move 
He didn´t feel the groove 
He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how to move 
He didn´t feel the groove 
He didn´t know how do Twist 

Once apon a night 
there was this guy called Johny 
He was kind of high 
and dancing with his honney 
The queen of the party 
Were plaing with king 
Why cool of the smarty 
was left in the ring 

He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how make that go exist 
He didn´t know how to move 
He didn´t feel the groove 
He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how to move 
He didn´t feel the groove 
He didn´t know how do Twist 
A Twist of love 
A Twist of pain 
A Twist of me and You 
A Twist of things 
You can explain 
Will made Youre dream come true 

He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how make that go exist 
He didn´t know how to move 
He didn´t feel the groove 
He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how do Twist 
He didn´t know how to move 
He didn´t feel the groove 
He didn´t know how do Twist 

He didn´t know how to move 
He didn´t feel the groove 
He didn´t know how do Twist 
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