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Smile - Ann Winsborn

Ann Winsborn

wybierz demo:

Wake up in the morning 
Some thing is just not right 
The bed is all empty 
Where did you sleep last night? 

Although I’m afraid that 
You’re seeing someone new 
My heart feels with sunshine 
Each time I look at you 

You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
So then pretty when you smile 

You say that you love me 
No matter what I do 
The thing is that each time 
I do believe it’s true 

So take me and hold me 
Promise you wont let go 
Stay close and I’ll tell you 
Just why I love you so 

You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
So then pretty when you smile 

You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
So then pretty when you smile 

When I see you I just can’t believe 
The way you make me feel 
Like a thousands of butterflies 
And coming like a side of me 

You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
So then pretty when you smile 

You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
So then pretty when you smile 

You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
So then pretty when you smile 

You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
You’re so pretty when you smile 
So then pretty when you smile 
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