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Don´t Judge Me - Bikini

Don´t Judge Me

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Hi, this is propably the first time. 
And we´ve never met before. 
It´s me standing right here and now. 
That´s me and nothing more. 

Oh, that seems so common 
That we label one another, 
With black or white. 
Couse, couse it really doesn´t matter, 
What´s the truth guess you know better. 
When you stick scarlet letter! 

Don´t judge me! 
There are more than two colours. 
Don´t judge me! 
Have an open mind. 
Don´t judge me! 
We won´t really know each other. 
Don´t judge me! 
Would you be so kind... 

I think I know what you´re thinking now. 
You know you´ve seen it before. 
I´m the same old story told you once. 
And what I say you ignore. 

Oh, but that ain´t over, 
Since you´ve crossed my privet border. 
I´m so pissed off! 
And I can´t stand no longer 
Breaking my honour. 
So would you please just fuck off! 

Don´t judge me! 
There are more than two colours. 
Don´t judge me! 
Have an open mind. 
Don´t judge me! 
We won´t really know each other. 
Don´t judge me! 
Would you be so kind... 

Don´t judge me! 
There are more than two colours. 
Don´t judge me! 
Have an open mind. 
Don´t judge me! 
We won´t really know each other. 
Don´t judge me! 
Would you be so kind... 
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