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Ba Yonga Wamba - Banaroo

Ba Yonga Wamba
Ba Yonga Wamba

wybierz demo:

Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 

It is hard to believe, 
When we seal the seven seas, 
No one knows that the storm has just begun. 

We get up, we get down, 
Really sinking to the ground, 
When we come to an island in the sun. 

And we hear that I’m sing... 

Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 

Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 

Ba yonga, hey! 

Take my love take my hand, 
Take me to the promised land, 
Where the sun and the ocean wanna blue. 

Kiss me once kiss me twice, 
‘cause it feels like paradise, 
There is no better place for me and you. 

And we start to sing... 

Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 

Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 

Ba yonga wamba... 
Ba yonga wamba! 

Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 

Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 

Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
Ba yonga wamba, ho! 
Ba yonga wamba, hey! 
My mucochachao. 

Ba yonga wamba. 
Ba wamba... 
Ba wamba... 
Ba wamba... 
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