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It´s Not Right - Dennis Christopher

It´s Not Right
It´s Not Right
Dennis Christopher

wybierz demo:

It´s not right, but it´s okay, 
I´m gonna make it anyway. 
Pack your bags up and leave, 
Don´t you dare come, 
Running back to me. 

It´s not right, but it´s okay, 
I´m gonna make it anyway. 
Pack your bags up and leave, 
Don´t you dare come, 
Running back to me. 

It´s not right, but it´s okay, 
I´m gonna make it anyway. 
Close the door behind you, 
Leave your key, 
I´d rather be alone than unhappy. 

I pack your bags so you can leave town for a week. 
(Yes I am) 
The phone rings and then you look at me, 
And then you look at me... 
Said it was one of your friends, 
Down on fifty fourth street boy. 
Yurns out you were making a fool of me . 

It´s not right, but it´s okay, 
I´m gonna make it anyway. 
Pack your bags up and leave, 
Don´t you dare come, 
Running back to me. 

It´s not right, but it´s okay, 
I´m gonna make it anyway. 
Close the door behind you, 
Leave your key, 
I´d rather be alone than unhappy. 

Yeah... ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, 
ah, ah, ah,ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, 
ah, ah... 

Now is it really worth you going out like that tell me boy. 
See I´m moving on and I refuse to turn back yeah. 
See all of this time I thought I had somebody, 
Down for me. 
It turns out, you were making a fool of me OH!! 

It´s not right, but it´s okay, 
I´m gonna make it anyway. 
Pack your bags up and leave, 
Don´t you dare come, 
Running back to me. 

It´s not right, but it´s okay, 
I´m gonna make it anyway. 
Close the door behind you, 
Leave your key, 
I´d rather be alone than unhappy. 
Running back, back, back, back... 
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