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People Of The Night - Favretto

People Of The Night
People Of The Night

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ee... oo... ee... 
ee... oo... ee... 

Oh, people go to dance, 
Oh, people let it go, 
That client have to band it, 
To made about this floor. 

Keep on dancin´, 
Keep on movin´, 
Common and let it show. 

Keep on dancin´ to the music, 
Don´t ever stop it so, 


We are the people of the night, 
We dance all night, 
We are the people of the night, 
We dance tonight. 

We are the people of the night, 
We dance all night, 
We are the people of the night, 
We dance tonight. 

Oh, people want to spend the night, 
This is what they want, 
There are people wanna song, 
So people sing along all night. 

Oh, people want to dance, 
Oh, people want to go, 
And try without an army, 
Do let it on it flow. 

We are the people of the night, 
We dance all night, 
We are the people of the night, 
We dance tonight. 

We are the people of the night, 
We dance all night, 
We are the people of the night, 
We dance tonight. 

ee... oo... ee... 
ee... oo... ee... 

We are the people of the night, 
We dance all night, 
We are the people of the night, 
We dance tonight. 

We are the people of the night, 
We dance all night, 
We are the people of the night, 
We dance tonight. 

We are the people of the night, 
We dance all night, 
We are the people of the night, 
We dance tonight. 

We are the people of the night, 
We dance all night, 
We are the people of the night, 
We dance tonight. 
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