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I Remember - Tony Roy

I Remember
I Remember
Tony Roy

wybierz demo:

I woke up at six in the morning 
To the ring of the bell 
In my third­class hotel 

Who was phoning I was still yahning 
As I started to say 
Don´t disturb me today 

I heard the lady´s voice 
Softly saying: hello 
Do you remember we know last year 

Like a flashing my brain 
It was clear to me 
It was Mary my girl she was here! 

I remember all the days 
We spent dreaming 
I remember all the days 
We shared our love 
I remember all the nights 
And all your kisses 
I can´t believe 
You´ve come to me 
I´m still in love 

I recall baby love to the sunrise 
Here in love mellodies 
From the birds on the trees 

There was magic shining from your eyes 
Although I wanna to stay 
Here this call me away 

It was so hard to go 
Leaving you behind 
As I held you in my arms wants more 

I knew I never forget those eyes I found 
What I always´ve been searching for 

I remember all the days 
We spent dreaming 
I remember all the days 
We shared our love 
I remember all the nights 
And all your kisses 
I can´t believe 
You´ve come to me 
I´m still in love 

I remember all the days 
We spent dreaming 
I remember all the days 
We shared our love 
I remember all the nights 
And all your kisses 
I can´t believe 
You´ve come to me 
I´m still in love 

I can´t believe 
You´ve come to me 
I´m still in love 
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