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Sam - Olivia Newton-John

Olivia Newton-John

wybierz demo:

I heard that you´re on your own now 
So am I I´m living alone now 
I was wrong so were you 
What will you do? 
Are you glad to be free? 
Are you feeling lost just like me? 
Longing for company 

Oh Sam, Sam, you know where I am 
Come around and talk awhile 
I need your smile 
You need a shoulder 
Oh Sam, Sam, you know where I am 
And the door is open wide 
Come on inside 
Longing to see you 
Oh Sam, Sam, you know where I am 

I find the days hard to face now 
Empty rooms 
There´s much too much space now 
And the nights go so slow 
I´m sure you know 
Wish I knew what to do 
It would be so nice seeing you 
And it might help you too 

Oh Sam, Sam, you know where I am 
Come around and talk awhile 
I need your smile 
You need a shoulder 
Oh Sam, Sam, you know where I am 
And the door is open wide 
Come on inside 
Longing to see you 
Oh Sam, Sam, you know where I am 
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