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I´ll Meet You At Midnight - Smokie

I´ll Meet You At Midnight
I´ll Meet You At Midnight
autor slow:
N. Chinn, M. Chapman
autor muzyki:
N. Chinn, M. Chapman

wybierz demo:

A summer evening on 
Les Champs Elyses 
A secret rendez vous 
They planned for days. 
A sea of faces in a crowded cafe, 
A sound of laughter 
As the music plays. 

Jean Claude was a student 
At the University, 
Louise Marie is just a world away. 
He recall the night they met 
Was warm with laughter 
The words were music 
As she turned away. 

I´ll meet you at midnight, 
Under the moonlight, 
I´ll meet you at midnight... 
But Jean Claude, Louise Marie 
Will never be... 

Each cigarette would light 
A thousand faces, 
Each hour that pass seem like 
A thousand years. 
Midnight was turning 
Into empty spaces 
The sound of laughter disappeared. 

I´ll meet you at midnight, 
Under the moonlight, 
I´ll meet you at midnight... 
Oh, but Jean Claude, Louise Marie 
Will never be... 

A summer morning on 
Les Champs Elyses, 
The empty table in the street cafe. 
The sunlight melting through 
An open doorway, 
Jean Claude has left to face another day. 

I´ll meet you at midnight, 
Under the moonlight, 
I´ll meet you at midnight... 

I´ll meet you at midnight, 
Under the moonlight, 
I´ll meet you at midnight... 
Oh, but Jean Claude, Louise Marie 
Will never be... 
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