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She Is Not Mine - Bogusław Mec & Peter Getz

She Is Not Mine
She Is Not Mine
Bogusław Mec & Peter Getz

wybierz demo:

Her smile, 
Can brighten up the sky 
Just like a rainbow, 
Her eyes, 
Can cool me like 
A summer brise of sunset. 
Her voice, 
Wisper soft like 
Rain against the window, 
Her touch I can´t forget. 

She is there but she´s not mine, 
A beautiful dream a vision, 
And the only one who sees, 
Love the event of moonlight. 
And she hauntes me when I sleep, 
And just like a changing seasons, 
Woman can tell that ice cold. 

My heart, 
Shared a tear 
For all the lies I told her, 
And my soul, 
Sending her praying 
Asking her forgiveness. 
My arms, 
They can to feel 
The way I used to hold her, 
I die for one more kiss. 

She is there but she´s not mine, 
A beautiful dream a vision, 
And the only one who sees, 
Love the event of moonlight. 
And she hauntes me when I sleep, 
And just like a changing seasons, 
Woman can tell that ice cold, 
A beautiful dream a vision. 

The way to hold to close to you, 
It´s over, 
For heritage just the crazy game, 
It owes you. 
She is there but she´s not mine, 
A beautiful dream a vision, 
And the only one who sees, 
Love the event of moonlight. 
And she hauntes me when I sleep, 
And just like a changing seasons, 
Woman can tell that ice cold, 
A beautiful dream a vision. 
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