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Devil Gate Drive - Suzie Quatro

Devil Gate Drive
Devil Gate Drive
Suzie Quatro
autor slow:
Mike Chapman, Nicky Chinn
autor muzyki:
Mike Chapman, Nicky Chinn

wybierz demo:

Hey, you all want to go down 
To Devil Gate Drive? 
Well, come on"! 
Welcome to "The Dive!" 

One! Two! 
One! Two! Three! 

Well, at the age of five 
They can do their jive 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 
And at the age of six 
They´re gonna get their kicks 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 

Well your mama don´t know where 
Your sister done go 
She gone down to the Drive 
She´s the start of the show 
And let her move on up 
Let her come let her go 
She can jive 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 

So come alive Yeah! 
Come alive Yeah! 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 
So come alive Yeah! 
Come alive Yeah! 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 

When they reach their teens, 
That´s when they all get mean 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 
When I was sweet sisteen 
I was the jukebox queen 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 
I lead the angel pack on the road to sin 
Knock down the gates! 
Let me in, let me in 
Don´t mess me ´round, 
Cause you know where I´ve been 
To "The Dive" 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 

So come alive Yeah! 
Come alive Yeah! 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 
So come alive Yeah! 
Come alive Yeah! 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 

uh huu uuu... uh yeah uh huu... 
na na na na na na na na!.. uuuu... 

Well your mama don´t know where 
Your sister done go 
She gone down to the Drive 
She´s the start of the show 
And let her move on up 
Let her come let her go 
She can jive 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 

So come alive Yeah! 
Come alive Yeah! 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 
So come alive Yeah! 
Come alive Yeah! 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate... 
Down in Devil Gate Drive 

"Come on, boys. 
Let´s do it one more time for Suzi! 
Are you ready, now?" 

One! Two! 
One! Two! Three! 

Come alive Yeah! 
Come alive Yeah! 
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 
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