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Where Did The Feeling Go - Selena

Where Did The Feeling Go
Where Did The Feeling Go
autor slow:
Norman Sallitt
autor muzyki:
Norman Sallitt
czas trwania:

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All alone, nothing to do 
It´s lonely here without you 
The candlelight is burning low 
The love songs on the radio 
And memories are all I have to show 

Photographs, tickets for two 
Promises that all fell through 
Now everything´s in black and white 
The color´s faded with the night 
The stars we used to wish upon 
Have somehow lost their light 

Where is the feeling we used to know? 
Where is the music that played? 
What happened to the love 
That used to show? 
Where did the feeling go? 

Thoughts of you fill my mind 
Paperbacks to pass the time 
And as I lie awake tonight 
I´ll leave the porchlight burning bright 
And miss the loving arms 
That used to hold me tight 

Where is the feeling we used to know? 
Where is the music that played? 
What happened to the love 
That used to show? 
Where did the feeling go? 

Where is the feeling we used to know? 
Where is the music that played? 
What happened to the love 
That used to show? 
Where did the feeling go? 

What happened to the love 
That used to show? 
Where did the feeling go? 

Oooh, oooh... 
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