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Run - Kasia Stankiewicz

Kasia Stankiewicz
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

And so I’m standing here 
Standing by myself 
Well I’m not a stranger 
Even though we´ve never ever met before 

That day I wasn´t sure but I had to leap 
My imagination has taken me to 
This place full of gray and blue 

I don´t need 
Need to make it now 
I want to run 

I don´t need 
Need to make it now (a... a...) 

One of those London streets 
I´ve met a man who told me 
You got in your eyes 
The girl you´ll be 
The girl you will someday be 

What you got they can´t steal 
They can´t even feel it 
To tell you the truth 
But this is you 
In a town full of grey and blue 

I don´t need 
Need to make it now 
I want to run 

I don´t need 
Need to make it now (a... a...) 

I hope it will be worth 
What I must give up 
For finding my place in this world 
And I don´t have to be on my own 

I wanna loose control 
I wanna fly in the rain nobody can stop me 
Feel the truth 
In a town full of grey and blue 

I don´t need 
Need to make it now 
I want to run 

I don´t need 
Need to make it now 
Always run 

I get excited 
I get excited 
Excited by myself 

I get excited 
I get excited 
Excited by myself 
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