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Lemon Tree - Fool´s Garden

Lemon Tree
Lemon Tree
Fool´s Garden
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I´m sitting here in the boring room, 
It´s just another rainy Sunday afternoon, 
I´m wasting my time, 
I got nothing to do, 
I´m hanging around, 
I´m waiting for you, 
But nothing ever happens 
And I wonder. 

I´m driving around in my car, 
I´m driving too fast, 
I´m driving too far, 
I´d like to change my point of view, 
I feel so lonely, 
I´m waiting for you, 
But nothing ever happens 
And I wonder. 

I wonder how, 
I wonder why, 
Yesterday you told me ´bout the blue blue sky, 
And all that I can see 
Is just a yellow lemon tree. 
I´m turning my head up and down 
I´m turning, turning, turning, 
Turning, turning around, 
And all that I can see 
Is just another lemon tree. 

Ta tararara tira ta 
Tararara tirata ta tiririra. 

I´m sitting here, 
I miss the power, 
I´d like to go out taking a shower, 
But there´s a heavy cloud inside my head, 
I feel so tired, 
Put myself into bed, 
Well, nothing ever happens 
And I wonder. 

Is not good for me, 
I don´t want to sit on the lemon tree. 

I´m steppin´ around in the desert of joy, 
Baby anyhow I´ll get another toy, 
And everything will happen 
And you wonder. 

I wonder how, 
I wonder why, 
Yesterday you told me ´bout the blue blue sky, 
And all that I can see 
Is just another lemon tree. 
I´m turning my head up and down 
I´m turning, turning, turning, 
Turning, turning around, 
And all that I can see 
Is just a yellow lemon tree, 
And I wonder, wonder. 

I wonder how, 
I wonder why, 
Yesterday you told me ´bout the blue blue sky, 
And all that I can see, 
And all that I can see, 
And all that I can see, 
Is just a yellow lemon tree. 
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