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The Outback Club - Lee Kernaghan

The Outback Club
The Outback Club
Lee Kernaghan
czas trwania:

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Works a 12 hour day from 
Sun up til sun down 
He´s doing what he can 
To make the wheels go round 
In a shed down the track 
He knows how to bend his back 
He´s the soul of the earth 
He´s got a heart of gold 

He´s a member of the out back club 
He don´t back down and he dont give up 
He´s living in the land he loves 
Born and raised he´s 
A member of the outback club 

She rides the boundry fences 
With the blokes 
She´s a match for any man alive 
When she works the mob 
Before the job is done 
Theres another just begun 
A kinda woman any man´d be proud of 

She´s a member of the out back club 
She don´t back down and she dont give up 
She´s living in the land she loves 
Born and raised she´s 
A member of the outback club 


Works the field 
Maybe just to bringing out the crop 
There out there working their fingers 
To the bone 
Might be jerking the stock 
Or maybe working the mob 
They got one thing in common, 
The country heart and soul 

Their members of the out back club 
They don´t back down and they dont give up 
Their all living in the land they love 
Born and raised their 
Members of the outback club 

We´re all members of the out back club 
We don´t back down and we dont give up 
We´re all living in the land we love 
Born and raised we´re all 
Members of the outback club 

We´re all members of the out back club 
We don´t back down and we dont give up 
We´re all living in the land we love 
Born and raised we´re all 
Members of the outback club 
Yeah we´re born and raised we´re all 
Members of the outback club 
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