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Nikita - Elton John

Elton John
autor slow:
Bernie Taupin
autor muzyki:
Elton John
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Music Soft for YAMAHA
Hey Nikita is it cold? 
In your little corner of the world, 
You could roll around the globe, 
And never find a warmer soul to know. 

Oh I saw you by the wall, 
Ten of your tin soldiers in a row, 
With eyes that looked like ice on fire, 
The human heart a captive in the snow. 

Oh Nikita you will never know, 
Anything about my home, 
I´ll never know how good it feels to hold you, 
Hold you, Nikita I need you so. 

Oh Nikita is the other side, 
Of any given line in time, 
Counting ten tin soldiers in a row, 
Oh no, Nikita you´ll never know. 

Do you ever dream of me, 
Do you ever see the letters that I write, 
When you look up through the wire, 
Nikita do you count the stars at night? 

And if there comes a time, 
Guns and gates no longer hold you in, 
And if you´re free to make a choice, 
Just look towards the west and find a friend. 

Oh Nikita you will never know, 
Anything about my home, 
I´ll never know how good it feels to hold you, 
Hold you, Nikita I need you so. 

Oh Nikita is the other side, 
Of any given line in time, 
Counting ten tin soldiers in a row, 
Oh no, Nikita you´ll never know. 

Oh Nikita you will never know, 
Anything about my home, 
I´ll never know how good it feels to hold you, 
Nikita I need you so. 

Oh Nikita is the other side, 
Of any given line in time, 
Counting ten tin soldiers in a row, 
Oh no, Nikita you´ll never know. 

Oh Nikita you will never know, 
Oh Nikita you will never know.
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