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Maribaya - BZN

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In the heat of the tropic sun, 
I was searching for love and fun, 
So I´ve been travelling around this land, 
Of green valleys and golden sand. 

On a freight train I found my way, 
To my true love, one lucky day, 
Here on a beautiful site, 
On a wonderful tropic night. 

Maribaya, down by a blue bayou, 
A wild rose in the sun, 
That´s where my love´s begun, 
Maribaya, here in the mountain dew, 
I found my true love, 
Here I found my baby blue. 

A golden rainbow 
Is always hangin´ over you 
This must be heaven, 
A paradise come true 

Maribaya, down by a blue bayou, 
I found my true love, 
Here I found my baby blue. 

Swaying palm trees and waterfalls, 
There we lie under parasols, 
And while the paddy birds sing their song, 
We´re making love in the blistering sun. 

On a freight train I found my way, 
To my true love, one lucky day, 
Here on a beautiful site, 
On a wonderful tropic night. 

Maribaya, down by a blue bayou, 
A wild rose in the sun, 
That´s where my love´s begun, 
Maribaya, here in the mountain dew, 
I found my true love, 
Here I found my baby blue. 

Maribaya, down by a blue bayou, 
I found my true love, 
Here I found my baby blue. 

Blue bayou... 
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