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It´s Your World Now - The Eagles

It´s Your World Now
It´s Your World Now
The Eagles
czas trwania:

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A perfect day, 
The sun is sinkin´ low, 
As evening falls, 
The gentle breezes blow. 
The time we shared 
Went by so fast, 
Just like a dream, 
We knew it couldn´t last. 

But I´d do it all again 
If I could, somehow, 
But I must be leavin´ soon 
It´s your world now. 

It´s your world now, 
My race is run, 
I´m moving on, 
Like the setting sun. 
No sad goodbyes, 
No tears allowed, 
You´ll be alright, 
It´s your world now. 

Even when we are apart, 
You´ll always be in my heart. 
When dark clouds appear in the sky, 
Remember true love never dies. 

But first a kiss, 
One glass of wine, 
Just one more dance 
While there´s still time. 
My one last wish: 
Someday, you´ll see, 
How hard I tried 
And how much you meant to me. 

It´s your world now, 
Use well the time, 
Be part of something good, 
Leave something good behind. 
The curtain falls, 
I take my bow, 
That´s how it´s meant to be, 
It´s your world now, 
It´s your world now, 
It´s your world now. 
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