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Pandora´s Box - Procol Harum

Pandora´s Box
Pandora´s Box
Procol Harum

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While horsemen ride across the green 
And Snow White still remains unseen. 
Pegasus, the winged horse, 
Relays his messages by Morse. 
And like some pirate sailor 
We crossed the Spanish Main, 
And brought our magic carpet 
To a marble staircased plain. 
While Handel plays his melody 
Doctors cause uncertainty, 
And though I know the lifeguard´s brave, 
There is no one for him to save. 
And like some pirate sailor 
We crossed the Spanish Main, 
And brought our magic carpet 
To a marble staircased plain. 
Cock Robin views his frozen feet 
And wraps them in a winding sheet, 
And calls out for his favourite drink 
The Persian that´s as warm as mink. 
And like some pirate sailor 
We crossed the Spanish Main, 
And brought our magic carpet 
To a marble staircased plain.
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