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All The Lovers - Kylie Minogue

All The Lovers
All The Lovers
Kylie Minogue
autor slow:
James Eliot, Jemima Stilwell
autor muzyki:
James Eliot, Jemima Stilwell
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Dance, it’s all I wanna do 
So won’t you dance 
I’m standing here with you 
Why won’t you move 
I’ll get inside your groove 
‘Cos I’m on fire, fire, fire, fire... 

It hurts 
When you get too close but baby it hurts 
If love is really good 
You just want more 
Even if it throws 
You to the fire, fire, fire, fire... 

All the lovers 
That have gone before 
They don’t compare 
To you 
Don’t be frightened 
Just give me a little bit more 
They don’t compare 
All the lovers 

Feel, can’t you see 
There’s so much here to feel 
Deep inside your heart 
You know I’m real 
Can’t you see that this 
Is going higher, higher, higher, higher... 

Breathe, I know you find it hard 
But baby breathe 
You’ll be next to me it’s all you need 
And I’ll take you there 
I’ll take you higher, higher, higher... 

All the lovers 
That have gone before 
They don’t compare 
To you 
Don’t be frightened 
Just give me a little bit more 
They don’t compare 
All the lovers 

Dance, it’s all I wanna do 
So won’t you dance 
I’m standing here with you 
Why won’t you move 
Even if it throws 
You to the 
fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire... 

All the lovers 
That have gone before 
They don’t compare 
To you 
Don’t be frightened 
Just give me a little bit more 
They don’t compare 
All the lovers 
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