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I Don´t Want To Know - Vaya Con Dios

I Don´t Want To Know
I Don´t Want To Know
Vaya Con Dios
czas trwania:

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You´ve seen him on the street today 
Heading for some sleaze caf´e 
He wasn´t alone 
He wasn´t alone 

Some beauty hung onto his arm 
I shouldn´t need to be alarmed 
He´s done it before 
Yes, he´s done it before 
Where and how? 
I don´t want to know 

You think she´s one of his old flames 
Some firey-looking kind of dame 
You found her dull but just the same 
She stole the show 
I don´t want to know 

Isn’t it a crying shame? 
You wouldn’t mention any name 
Afraid I couldn’t stand the pain 
Or take a blow 
Well, I don´t want to know 

You´ve seen him on the downtown side 
Drinking hard and acting wild 
He was not alone 
Not on his own 

You say he looked a sorry sight 
You know he´s had another fight 
Well, he´s done it before 
Yes, he´s done it before 
Where and how? 
I don´t want to know 

A smile breaks on your poker face 
Tells me you´re gonna throw the Ace of Spades 
Drop it, and watch me fall on evil days 
And let me go 
I don´t want to know 

Why don´t I try to understand 
He´s just as weak as any other man 
He´ll come back to me in the end 
Now isn´t that so?! 
I don´t want to know! 
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